Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I don't want no ISM!!!

Plahtonik taught us that the poor laborer in merry olde London had to live on the East end, with its narrow streets and soot from all the factories he had to toil in day after day. Mr. VM also taught us that the bourgoise enjoyed the best in the world from parks to theater to food. Never did a capitalist suffer from housemaids knee, or was she subjected to mustard plasters to treat the black lung. Kids growing up with Uncle Lenin and Joe wore fun pioneer uniforms, vacationed by the sea. Our parents spent the day smiling as the sold bread at the store or turned whatever turners turn. Those were the days...

V.M. and any Бабусья or дидусья may sing the praises of the days of the ISM but it seems that the folks at Harding Colllege saw through Mr. Marx, Uncle Lenin and Old Joe's sales pitch. That ISM was just snake oil...

Wouldn't it have been better if we waged the Cold War only with cheesy cartoons instead of bombs, missiles and stupid wars? It also seems that Mr. John Q. Public was absent about 7 years ago when we sold away our freedom to fight a so-called ISM. Harding College where were you then?


Abby said...

Does it make me stupid that I thought "ISM" was an acronym?

Frodo said...

Only if it was after you saw the video. That is PC and government crap that makes us see three letters and assume its an acronym.

Abby said...

It was prior to watching the video! Me still smart! Huzzah!